Tips to Keep Drains Clear

Drainage systems often become clogged with grease, soaps, hair and other waste particles. These debris build up causing pipes to back up. If you notice that several drains in your home are not draining properly, call a Utah drain cleaning specialist to prevent major damage to your plumbing system.

Once you have had your drainage system professionally cleaned, there are some preventative measures you can take to keep drains free of obstructions.

  • Keep drains clear of grease, oil, hair, detergents, coffee grounds and hair. Deposit these items in the waste bin.

  • Use a drain cover in sinks and showers to catch debris, clean out regularly.

  • Run hot water through kitchen sinks before each use to break up built up oils that build up in drains.

  • Baking soda followed by hot water makes an excellent odor neutralizer, absorbing foul smells in drains.

  • Pour vinegar down the drain, letting it sit for 30 minutes, followed by hot water. The acetic acid in vinegar removes grime buildup in pipes.

If these preventative measures are inadequate in keeping drains cleared, it may be a symptom of a much bigger issue. To avoid major problems and costly repairs, contact Any Hour Services to assess your drainage system and provide any necessary Utah drain repairs by our licensed and insured drainage technicians.


Jun 9th 2017

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