4 Tips To Avoid A Plumbing Emergency This Season

You might have more people using your sinks and toilets during the holidays. That means your plumbing might struggle under the pressure. By following these steps, you can do everything you can to avoid most major plumbing problems. That can help you avoid an expensive trip from a plumber out to your home during the season.

Don't Let The Wrong Things Go Down

Don't Flush That

Cover All Tub Drains With Drain Strainers: Before your guests arrive, it is a great idea to cover all your drains with drain strainers. These can catch most items that cause clogged drains in the tub such as small toys and clumps of hair. That way you avoid guests showering in ankle-deep water.

Only Flush Toilet Paper: Non-flushable items such as pads, cotton balls, or wet wipes should never go down your toilet. Keep a trash can nice and visible and remind your guests to use it for anything other than toilet paper. If your home uses a septic system, this tip is crucial to avoid killing your system's bacteria.

Prevent The Problem

keep bathroom doors shut

Keep Bathroom Doors Shut: It's a good idea to keep your bathroom doors shut, keep the toilet lid down, and remind your guests to do the same. Kids can flush toys down the toilet, causing major plumbing issues. In more tragic cases, they can suffer serious injury or even death. Hard corners, slippery floors, or shaving equipment can be dangerous if a child sneaks in.

Select Proper Wash Load Size: Try to run full loads in the washer to save water so you don't have to run the washer as often. Make sure your guests ask you for help if they don't feel comfortable using your washing machine. That way you can help them choose the right settings for the load.

These steps can help you reduce the chances of a plumbing disaster during the holidays. Remember, if you know about any plumbing issues in your home, it's a good idea to deal with them before guests arrive. If you do have a plumbing emergency this season, watch out for holiday service fees. If you don't have an expert you trust, Any Hour Services would be happy to help. You can give us a call or schedule an appointment online.

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Author: Nathanael Stuver
Copyright © 2022 by Any Hour Services


Nov 30th 2022

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