How to Lower Your Water Bill (And Keep It Low)

The average american family uses hundreds of gallons of water everyday, and it reflects in their bank account. The more water you use, the more money you pay each month within your water bill. The amount of water you use also impacts the environment. Clean water is a limited resource. Almost 98% of water on Earth is undrinkable without undergoing desalination, an expensive filtration process. So whether you’re looking to cut back on water to help the environment or to free up some extra money, here are some ways you can reduce your monthly water bill.

1 - Use Your Dishwasher Instead

Contrary to popular belief, washing the dishes by hand actually uses more water than the dishwasher. You don't even need to pre-rinse the dishes, just scrape them of leftover food and let the machine wash them for you. Be sure to wash them in as full of a load as you can, even if it means letting your dirty dishes pile up a little more than usual. Your dishwasher uses the same amount of water whether you fill it up or not, so you might as well get as much out of it as you can.

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2 - Wash Your Cloths in Cold Water

Washing your cloths in cold water will preserve colors better and save on money and energy. Plus, it will wash just as well as hot water would. And like with your dishwasher, make sure you only wash your cloths in a full load, unless your washing machine has adjustable size settings. If it does, be sure to switch these settings to your desirable size before starting the machine.

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3 - Use the Garbage Disposal Sparingly

While it may be tempting to just scrape leftover food down the drain, the garbage disposal uses water, in comparison to just throwing away the leftovers in the trash. Only use the disposal if it is necessary.

garbage disposal repair

4 - Take Shorter Shower - Not Baths

Taking shorter and less frequent showers can save hundreds of dollars worth of water. Even shaving just a couple minutes of your shower time can have big benefits. You can also consider taking showers instead of baths, as filling up a bathtub can use a great deal more water than a quick shower.

shower leak

5 - Turn off the Water While You Brush Your Teeth or Shave

A fast and easy way to waste water is to leave the faucet running while you brush your teeth or shave. You don’t use it while you’re in the act, so the water just runs uselessly down the drain. Turning off the water while you brush or shave and turning it back on to rinse the toothbrush or razor will save a lot more water than you may think. You can also use this method when washing your hands, turning off the water while you lather your hands with soap, and then turning it back on to rinse the soap off.

water conservation

6 - Replace Your Showerhead

Consider replacing your showerhead with a low-flow head that uses less water per minute. This, combined with taking shorter and less frequent showers, can reduce your water bill to up to 60%.

shower head leak

It doesn’t take too much to cut down a bit on water usage around your home. Water conservation can save you hundreds of dollars every year, and in the long run it’s better for both the environment and your wallet. Do you have any questions? Contact Any Hour Services today to discuss ways to lower your water bill. We’re happy to help!

Aug 29th 2017

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