How to Fix a Clogged Sink Yourself If you don’t mind getting dirty, there are a few things you can do to fix a clogged sink yourself. Digging into the…
Creating the Perfect Summer Night with Outdoor Lighting Danny and Sandy sang about summer nights in the 1978 classic, Grease! There's something magical about "oh, oh, those summer nights!" From…
Biggest Plumbing Myths When starting your lighting project, you'll want all your outdoor outlets to be GFCI protected, and have in-use outlet covers. This setup will protect whatever you plug…
Tips to Maintain Your Water Heater Your water heater requires regular upkeep like any other appliance in your home. Luckily, you can do some of the maintenance. Here are 4…
Clear your Drains with Muscle Power It may feel like you’ve tried every drain cleaner and DIY method to clear your shower drain. If those aren’t working, there are a…
3 Easy Steps To Keep Your Air Conditioner Running Great This Summer An electrical surge is a brief spike in voltage. Those spikes can seriously damage appliances and wiring. That’s…
3 Common Outlet Issues and What to do About Them Is there an outlet in your home that doesn’t work correctly? And maybe you've gotten used to avoiding it?In this…
2 Simple Solutions to Clean Your Drains Do you feel like you’ve tried every drain cleaner at the supermarket to unclog your bathroom sink drain? It’s easy to believe that…
Plumbing Knowledge for New Homeowners Moving into your first home can be overwhelming. Understanding basic plumbing maintenance can save you hundreds, maybe thousands, of dollars.The thing is, sometimes first-time homeowners…