Electricians in Salt Lake City

for all your repair and installation needs

How Any Hour Services can help with all of your electrical needs

Any Hour Services began as an Electrical company in 1961. Today, our electricians in Salt Lake City have helped thousands of homeowners in Utah with electrical projects in their homes. Any Hour Services wants you to feel comfortable having our electricians in your home, we fully vet our electricians to ensure they are honest, professional and trustworthy.

Easy Online Booking

Answer a few questions, select your appointment date, and we'll dispatch our expert technicians.

Schedule Online with Any Hour Services Get Started Now

For Emergencies Call


We've trained the Electrician that comes to your home to:

  • Respect you, your home and your time
  • Listen to ensure we understand your unique situation
  • Help you understand what options are available
  • Present you with a price before the work begins
  • Happily perform the work you choose

It's also important to have an electrician that is:

  • Licensed, certified, bonded and insured
  • Background-checked and drug-tested
  • Technically competent and proficient
  • Up-to-date on the latest safety codes and industry standards
  • Trustworthy in your home and around your family
Request appointment today!

Easy Online Booking

Answer a few questions, select your appointment date, and we'll dispatch our expert technicians.

Schedule Online with Any Hour Services Get Started Now

For Emergencies Call


No one helps more homeowners than Any Hour Services

Hours & Locations

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electrical installation alpine

Committed to Customer Service

We’ll never rush you into a decision, but will take the time to help you understand your electrical problem and possible solutions. There’s no such thing as too many questions, we know you have lots of choices as far as Salt Lake City electricians. We want to help and hope you will give us an opportunity to prove the values listed above are not just a list on a website but the way we strive to do business.

If you still have questions or would like to schedule an electrical service, give us a call and let us know how we can help.

Dennis and Gail's Story

"The things that liked about working with Any Hour is that I had all the professionals in one place. I was not having to call three different locations for an electrician, a plumber or whatever... it was under one name. They are a one stop shop. It's been a great experience for us. I highly recommend Any Hour do your job. If you want it done right, you have them do it."

"...If you want it done right, you have Any Hour do it."

More Testimonials

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Up-Front Pricing

We'll give you a price before we begin any work.

Flexible Schedule

We work around your busy life, including evenings & Saturdays.

Trustworthy Techs

Drug-tested and background-checked technicians.

At Your Service

We arrive with a fully stocked truck, ready to complete the work while at your home.

Real People

Speak to a real person on the phone, 24hrs a day, six days a week!