Electrical Safety Tips for Your Home

We use electricity almost constantly, but it isn’t something most of us think about very often. Here are a few tips for homeowners to keep in mind when it comes to safety with their home’s electrical systems. A small issue or malfunction could mean serious damage and/or loss.

We want our customers to take a preventative care approach to their home’s systems and are always here if you feel you’re in over your head or it’s more then you want to do yourself.

electrical safety tips

Never plug more than two appliances into an outlet at once or “piggyback” extra appliances on extension cords or wall outlets. Also, major appliances (washer, dryer, stove, A/C, fridge, etc) should be plugged into their own wall outlet since they’re heavy power users.

Typically, an overloaded outlet will trip a breaker. This is actually a safety function – the breaker detects a high current level and cuts off power to the circuit. Overloading outlets poses a large threat of electrical fire, especially if the breaker malfunctions and does not trip properly. If you notice other signs such as dimming lights, buzzing outlets/switches, or burning smells, you may have too many things plugged in.

home electrical safety - overloaded outlet

Extension cords are not intended for permanent use. Use them for temporary periods of time and not for long-term permanent use to plug in electrical items. If you use them for permanent use, they can overheat or short out and become a fire hazard. If an extension cord ever feels warm to the touch, stop using it.

home electrical safety - avoid extension cords

After a power cord has been used for a while, the protective barrier insulating the wires can become damaged. Then contact with these cords could result in electrical shock. If you notice a cord that’s fraying or damaged, it’s best to get it repaired or replaced.

home electrical safety - replace damaged cords

Water conducts electricity, so combining can be lethal. Keep appliances away from water, and make sure your hands are dry before using them. Any rooms with running water (bathrooms, kitchens, laundry room) should be equipped with GFCIs.

home electrical safety - don't mix electricity and water

By having an electrician check your electrical system, you can catch potential problems before they become even bigger issues. A proper electrical inspection should include checking for safety and efficiency of main breaker panels, smoke & carbon monoxide detectors, GFCIs, outlets, switches and more in your home.

home electrical safety - electrical checkup

Our customers’ safety is important to us. If you have any questions or concerns about your home’s electrical systems, give us a call. We can also do a whole home electrical inspection to see if everything in your home is working properly. Let us help give you peace of mind when it comes to your home’s electrical systems.



Author: Tammy Nelson
Copyright © 2022 by Any Hour Services


Jun 5th 2022

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