How To Fix A Bathroom Sink Stopper

Your bathroom sink stopper works hard to stop objects from falling down your drain. But when you pull the knob that controls it and nothing happens, it can be frustrating. Just like when you're brushing your teeth and no amount of pushing will lift it. The good news is there’s a simple fix that you can do to get your stopper working again in seconds.

Below you’ll find a simple explanation of how your sink stopper works and how to fix it when it doesn’t. After reading, you’ll have everything you need if you want to tackle the job yourself.

Tools Needed: a set of pliers


The stopper in your bathroom sink connects to the knob at the back of your sink fixture by a simple lever. The knob has a bar that runs down under the sink, connected to a strap by a retaining screw. That strap slips over a lever where a clip holds it in place. Finally, the lever sits in the drain body and hooks into the stopper. Pulling the knob lifts the back of that lever, lowering the stopper. Pushing the knob down will lower the lever, lifting the stopper back up.

how it works - stopper lever

Over time, the retaining screw holding the knob to the strap can come loose. That lets the bar slide up and down without moving the lever or stopper. So, all you have to do is tighten the retaining screw to get it working again. Align the strap so the stopper is where you want it when the knob is down, then tighten the screw to hold it in place. You may need a set of pliers to get the screw tight enough to hold.

fix bathroom sink - tighten the screw

Note: Sometimes the parts aren’t all there. You might get under your sink and the retaining screw is missing or the strap isn’t connecting right. In that case, you may need to run to the hardware store. They’ll have a kit that has everything you need to replace the stopper system and drain body.

After that, the stopper should be working again! If you decide you don’t want to tackle this alone, Any Hour Services has licensed plumbers that are happy to help. You can book online or call 801-692-0455 to set up an appointment. 

Author: Nathanael Stuver
Copyright © 2022 by Any Hour Services


Jun 13th 2022

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