Do I Need to Flush My Water Heater?

Have you ever overheard a neighbor talking about flushing their water heater? many people haven't had their water heater flushed - ever. You might have asked yourself if you need to be flushing your water heater at all. In this article, we'll go over if flushing your water heater is necessary, and if it is, why.

Is It Necessary?

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Your water heater deals with a lot of stress, much like your car does. And like your car, it needs regular maintenance to run at its best for as long as it should. Your car needs a regular oil change to get rid of old oil that's filled up with gunk and grit over time. For your water heater, a regular flush does the same thing.

As water runs through your water heater, it leaves behind minerals like calcium. Those minerals settle and build up in the bottom of the tank. This creates a layer of sediment that can get thick enough to reduce the amount of water your tank can heat. Also, the heating element of a water heater is at the bottom of the tank. If the heating element gets blocked by sediment, then your water heater has to work harder to heat the water.

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Because of all that, manufacturers recommend an annual water heater flush. Flushing it out once a year can help prevent potential problems like the ones listed above. It's also more expensive to leave it than to flush it each year. It can even increase the life of your water heater by up to a decade. That can save you the money for repairs and from replacing it too soon.

The good news is that a water heater flush is a simple bit of maintenance. Any skilled plumber should be able to do the job. On top of that, a basic water heater flush is something that you can even do yourself with a little bit of work. Regardless of who does the job for you, it’s an easy way to help your water heater last for years or decades.

We hope we’ve answered your questions about water heater flushes. If you’d like a plumber to flush yours for you, Any Hour Services would be happy to help. You can give us a call or schedule an appointment online.

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Author: Nathanael Stuver
Copyright © 2022 by Any Hour Services


Nov 25th 2022

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