What To Do Before It Gets Too Hot
Before the Utah summer temperatures start cranking up, you need to make sure you are ready for the hot weather. It is important to take care of our home's air conditioning systems before it gets too toasty. To make sure your AC is working, change out its filters, switch the thermostat to "cool" then give it a test run to make sure it's working properly and lastly, if anything needs replacing, do it now! If you need help with anything air conditioning related, the professionals at Any Hour Services are only a phone call away.
The first step to making sure your air conditioning system is ready for a hot summer is to switch out old air filters. They clear out the air to make sure it’s clean but when they get too dirty, their efficiency drops and you will have a machine that is less effective. Fix this by replacing your AC air filter every 1 to 2 months.
To replace it, go down to your AC and switch off the air flow coming in. Slip off the filter cover and replace the dirty air filter with a new one that has the same dimensions. Make sure that the filter is facing the same way, then put the filter cover back into its place and turn the AC back on. By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your unit with be working fully and properly and will be ready to combat the heat.
The second thing you should do is switch the thermostat to “cool” and test it out. If you have filters that were put in recently and your system doesn’t have any malfunctioning pieces, then your house shouldn’t have a problem cooling down. If it isn’t cooling the house to the desired temperature, recheck the thermostat and make sure that it is reading right. If it is, then check the rest of the system and look for any problems. If you cannot find the problem or the problem cannot be fixed without extensive repairs, then it’s time to call in a professional at Any Hour Services.
That’s another important part of checking your air conditioning system. If you find any problems in your system or it isn’t working correctly, bring in our professionals to check it out. Waiting too long could possibly cause more harm to the system, and it’s better to get something fixed sooner than later. Having a comfortable home and cool place to go in the summer sun is essential.
Your air conditioning system is an important part of your home during the summer, especially with the sun high in the sky. Sunlight will flood in and create a greenhouse effect and without AC, it won’t cool back down, so make sure that your air conditioning system is working perfectly. You’ll feel much better, knowing that you can avoid an overly stuffy room during a hot day. By following these few steps, you can make the most out of your summer and keep it cool.
Jun 15th 2016